Thursday, May 24, 2012

Technical Difficulties

I'm sorry, I am currently having a few technical difficulties with this blog.  I wanted to change the background of my blog so during my free time I had created a picture.  Then, I was at an internet cafe, so I just selected the picture and let it load while I did other work.  When it finished, I noticed it was WAY too big, so I decided to put the old picture back on and fix the new one later.  Then, my time ran out so, it never changed it.  I have tried to fix it out here, but the internet is too slow.  Sorry!  Next time I go into Jinja I will try to fix it.  Bear with me for now!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lighting up!

I posted my last blog post on my Face Book wall the other day saying 'Welcome L&G! Ha - LG - isn't that an electric company?' 
My grandma commented and said 'They'll light up your world!'
I was pondering that comment because neither of them had been smiling much (I had seen them smile, but had heard that there had been a few smiles) and they both looked sick and scared.  Not much of lighting up my world picture.  I began praying that they would light up the world.  That God would make them happy little girls at GSF. 
The first time I met Gloria she was with her Jaja (Grandmother) and she was a little bit scared of me.  This was about the best picture I could get of her (right).
When I first met her
When she moved to GSF she wasn't actually scared of me but still I could no smiles or interaction.  This was about as good as it got.
But a week later ...  I was asked (by someone else in her house) to come down to her house to see all the girls, but they really wanted me to see Gloria.  And the quick 5 minutes in her house proved very successful - with pictures of Gloria and her housemates SMILING!  This is just about the only one of her by herself.
She's lightin' up this little part of the world!  I will save you from having to look through all the others (especially since my internet is so slow).
Little Letty (Leticia) is smiling more too.  I don't have any pictures of her smiling yet.  She has a very bad rash and is sick as well.  She is being cared for by one of the other missionaries for a few weeks.  A few days ago I was able to sit and just hold her for a long time when all the missionaries got together.  She would almost fall asleep but when someone would walk by she would wake up again.  She would just look into my eyes for a long time - it totally made my day (No, I didn't have my camera).
In other news of other kids who are 'lighting up' - Ben is ... well, getting darker ... but that is just his skin.  He is lighting up and is awake a whole lot more.
Sorry I made the words at the bottom too small - they say, 1 week, 3 weeks, 5 weeks
The rest of this I wrote a while back, but just haven't gotten around to posting it.
Here are a few quick updates on a few kids who I wrote a good deal about earlier but haven’t written about for a while.   Also in here are a few quick prayer requests.  Thank you for your continued prayers for all these kids.
1.      Babirye and Kato.  You may remember these two cuties from August (Mercy Ministry - twins).  Look at how much they have grown and how much their personalities have come out (I know, I can't capture a persons whole personality in pictures)
3.      Philip.  The change we have seen in Philip is amazing!  You would never guess that almost 5 months ago we were told he would NOT make it home without a BIG miracle and sent home 3 weeks later as a very sickly boy.  He has gone from 18 kilos when released to 27 kilos.  (Aug. picture credit of Nurse Meredith)
4.     Sebastian.  Sebastian is doing really well.  He is talking a lot and loves copying what others say.  I will try to write more about him later because there is a lot you haven't heard.
5.      Faziri.  The word now is that Fizo most likely doesn't have Hertzpurung (I really don't want to try to spell that again) but they aren't sure what he has if he even has anything.  I will keep you updated.
Yeah, I think that's all.  If there is someone I used to write about a lot but haven't in a while or someone you have been praying for because of this blog but haven't heard about in a while you can comment and tell me if you would like to know more (sorry for that run-on sentence).

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Preview of pics from Moses & Mary's Wedding!

So, I really don't have much time to do a whole post right now so, here are a few of my favorite pictures!   Okay, actually I haven't even gone through all of them.
Groom's men carrying the groom
Bridesmaids and bride
Anna & Veronica watching
My mom & dad were Moses' 'parents' & T was the peg-boy (like a ring bearer) the other man is a builder

Teacher Mary (Bride) & Teacher Alice
Auntie Amanda
So, I just had several quick moments while waiting for internet to just write up something short.  On Wednesday (tomorrow) I will try to type up something else quick about it but ... there will be more pictures!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mary introduces Moses! {The important people and things}

The Aunties and Bridesmaids walked out ...
... with 'the one we came for'...
...Teacher Mary!
They knelt down...
and Ssenga (in red - she was like the lead auntie) said she knew us.
So she came looking through the crowd & found Moses (groom) and brought him to the front of our side
 And went back to the other side and brought Teacher Mary to sit with him.
{I just liked this picture of the basket he gave her ... that's the only reason I put it here.}
 Then, Teacher Mary went back with everyone who had come out with her so they could change while her family negotiated and said she could come with us.  Then, Teacher Mary, her brides-maids and 'sisters' came bak out.
This is one of my favorite pictures!
They danced and then the groom's side made a line from the car to where they were standing and passed the gifts down.  Of course, I just found a good spot and stood and took pictures.
 Here are some of the gifts.
Passing the Chicken
The chicken was SO happy to be someone's present - NOT!
Handing off the chicken (sorry - I was behind people)
Then, Moses gave Mary an engagement ring.
 Then, it was time for cake.  For lack of a good spot I do not have a picture of the whole cake.
And last, it was time for dinner - which I do not have any pictures of.  And then, it was time to leave.  I love Africa - they serve the cake before the meal - ha!
Well, that is all for this post.  It may be a while until I right the next post so don't be surprised if there is nothing new here for a while.